Consulting services for strengthening regional collaboration under “Tajikistan resilient landscape restoration” project

Tajikistan, regional component on Central Asia
Funding sources
International Development Association (IDA) World Bank
1 807 547 USD
May 2024 – September 2027
Thematic area
Sustainable landscape management
General information

Consulting services for strengthening regional collaboration will help Tajikistan and the other countries in the Central Asia region manage shared resources, exploit economies of scale related to regional nature-based tourism, and facilitate collective action to address climate change impacts and other common goals. It will allow countries to come together to address challenges faced by the region, find regional solutions for these challenges, and thus promote global public goods. Regional exchange platform will allow CEP and other Tajik authorities involved in the landscape restoration agenda to benefit from capacity-building, technical assistance and collaboration with other Central Asian governments and regional stakeholders, as well as from international experience, in addressing common environmental, land degradation, and climate change-related challenges in the region. The assignment, along with other countries’ regional assignments, will help the region’s countries implement several key regional activities identified by the five countries in the 2020 10-year Regional Environmental Program for Sustainable Development, endorsed under the auspices of the Interstate Commission for Sustainable Development (ICSD).

Goal and objectives

The goal of consulting services is to promote Tajikistan’s collaboration with Central Asian countries on transboundary cooperation and landscape restoration.
The objective of the consulting services is to develop and manage a regional exchange platform, bringing Central Asian countries together to conduct high-level dialog in support of the harmonization of policies on, and approaches to transboundary landscape restoration and protected natural areas management among Central Asian countries.

Target groups

Rural communities; private farmers and farmer groups; villages and village communities, including women and youth; and resource user groups (for example, for pastures and forests)

Subcomponent 1.2. Strengthen Regional Collaboration is implemented by all the RESILAND CA+ projects to achieve the Program’s regional objective, with each project financing different, yet complimentary, regional actions from which all the regional countries will benefit.

To implement these regional activities in a coordinated manner and ensure synergies and efficiency, the CIIP CEP signed a direct contract with CAREC. Under this contract CAREC will subcontract other consultants/entities as needed to support the execution of activities according to country-specific terms of reference. CAREC will also manage a regional-level M&E system for the RESILAND CA+ Program to monitor, evaluate, and report on the Program’s regional impact using a set of predefined indicators. 

RESILAND Tajikistan finances the development and management of a regional exchange platform, bringing Central Asian countries together to address shared challenges. 

The Platform will host:

·       semiannual meetings of RESILAND CA+ Program implementing entities to discuss program progress;

·       annual fora for ministries responsible for forests, landscape restoration, and environment to discuss landscape management and restoration trends and actions; and

·       annual fora for the broader cross-section groups of stakeholders engaged in landscape restoration, including nongovernmental entities, prominent regional organizations, private sector, and development partners. 

The platform will allow for a two-way dialog between government and non-governmental actors in Central Asia on technologies and approaches to landscape restoration, including knowledge exchange. 

The Project Development Objectives of the RESILAND TJ project are to increase the area under sustainable landscape management in selected locations in Tajikistan, and promote Tajikistan’s collaboration with Central Asian countries on transboundary landscape restoration. 

Center for Implementation of Investment Projects of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan,

Irina Bekmirzeava, Cilmate Change and Sustainable Energy Program Manager, CAREC, 

Dilovarsho Dustzoda, ReCATH Manager, CAREC,