A virtual workshop, “Climate Finance Tracking: Reporting, Methodologies and Best Practices”, took place online on 20 June 2023.
The workshop’s primary goal is to provide information on existing climate finance tracking tools and familiarize a wide range of experts with the best practices of these tools used for reporting under the UNFCCC Conferences of Parties and the Paris Agreement.
The workshop brought together UNFCCC coordinators, leading experts from the national agencies involved in climate policy and MRV/ETF, experts on greenhouse gas inventory, adaptation and climate finance, NDC tracking, and all stakeholders worldwide. Besides, the virtual workshop convened lead transparency partners: UNFCCC, ICAT, UNEP and UNEP-CCC, UNDP, CPI, and CCAP.
The virtual seminar served as a platform for the experience exchange, opinions and lessons learnt in climate finance tracking. The participants lively discussed and shared experiences in using the related methodologies and collecting the climate finance information in the context of their NDC, National Communications, Biennial Update Reports (BURs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAP). Georgia and Moldova told participants about their experience in establishing their climate finance tracking system and applying a climate finance tagging methodology for its National Adaptation Plan (NAP).
Since climate finance has a crucial role in supporting climate change action, the workshop aimed to increase transparency, accountability and effectiveness in tracking funds allotted for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
“The provision of clear and understandable data and information in the BTR and the NDC play a crucial role in ensuring the transparency under the Enhanced Transparency Frameworks (ETF) and achieving the objectives of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement,” stressed ReCATH Manager Dilovarsho Dustzoda.
“Moreover, the developing countries are recommended to provide within ETF reporting information on sectors for which they wish to attract international financial support and how that support will contribute to the Paris Agreement fulfilment and their NDCs,” continued Dilovarsho Dustzoda.
The virtual workshop “Climate Finance Tracking: Reporting, Methodologies and Best Practices” is organized by the project “Regional Climate Action Transparency Hub for Central Asia” (ReCATH) implemented by the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) and is an implementation of the Climate Action Transparency Initiative (ICAT), and the project of the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency – Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP) implemented by the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Center with financial support from the GEF.
Additional information:
Dilovarsho Dustzoda, ReCATH Project Manager, recath_manager@carececo.org
Kravtsova Oxana, ReCATH Project Specialist, okravtsova@carececo.org
ICAT web: www.climateactiontransparency.org
Project page: https://carececo.org/main/activity/projects/recath