Uzbekistan: the ecosystem of sustainable consumption and production policy

Publication date: 13 June 2022
Uzbekistan: the ecosystem of sustainable consumption and production policy

14 JUNE - UZBEKISTAN - BUHARA - The Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC) is hosting a roundtable "Uzbekistan's National Policy Dialogue on Sustainable Consumption and Production" at Bukhara Hotel, 9:00 - 13:00

It will bring together policy makers, government officials, representatives of development organizations and business associations, NGOs and Uzbekistan's micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

They will discuss important issues such as the current sustainable consumption and production (SCP) policy ecosystem in Uzbekistan, critical gaps and mechanisms in implementing SCP policies. The participants of the roundtable will be introduced to the best international practices of using SCP policy tools, based on which they will elaborate the possible solutions of the identified problems, taking into consideration the specifics of Uzbekistan.

The outcome of the joint work of the roundtable participants will be a developed prototype of the policy solution to the problem and the mechanisms of SCP implementation in micro, small and medium enterprises in Uzbekistan.

The roundtable was organized within the framework of the Resource Efficiency in Agri-Food Production and Processing (REAP) Project funded by the European Union under the SWITCH-Asia Grant Program and implemented by CAREC.

Contact person - Valeriya Orlova, Project Manager,

REAP project promotes introduction of more efficient production technologies in the sphere of agricultural products processing at small and medium enterprises in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. In this regard, the project pays special attention to the promotion of sustainable consumption and production practices in agri-food production in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, which will improve the environment. Project timeframe: 2020-2024. Examples of SCP practices in Uzbekistan can be found on the website of the REAP project

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