Glasgow, UK, 11 November 2021 – Official Closing Ceremony of Central Asia Pavilion “5 countries – 1 region – 1 voice” was conducted online and offline.
The Executive Director of the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC) Zafar Makhmudov summarized the outcomes of the Central Asia Pavilion and thanked all partners who made a financial and substantive contribution to the organization of the CA Pavilion.
Ainur Kopbaeva, Deputy Director of the Climate Policy and Green Technologies Department at the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, noted that Kazakhstan was one of the initiators who offered to create such Pavilion, which was mentioned in the framework of COP25. “And now I am delighted to see the final result,” said Ainur Kopbaeva. She praised the great work of CAREC and all countries that have made great efforts to organize side events in the CA Pavilion. “The expectations and needs have been met and this earns admiration. We had a platform where the countries demonstrated the enormous work that is being done,” said Ainur Kopbaeva. According to her, in the near future, the updated NDC of the Republic of Kazakhstan will be submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat.
Deputy General Director of Uzhydromet Ibratjon Karimov conveyed Uzbekistan Deputy Prime Minister’s appreciation for the creation of a common home for the countries of Central Asia at UNFCCC COP-26. He noted that 1 voice of the region is a great achievement and expressed the hope that such a Pavilion will work at the next Conferences of the Parties, where the region will also present a unified position. Deputy General Director of Uzhydromet Ibratjon Karimov once again expressed gratitude to CAREC and all partners.
Muzafar Shodmonov, Climate Change Specialist, Agency for Hydrometeorology, Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan commended CAREC and the rest of the organizers of the CA Pavilion on behalf of the delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan. “Within the framework of the Pavilion, we achieved the set tasks thanks to the CA Pavilion,” said Muzafar. Shodmonov and praised the good work of all countries in the region
Central Asia Pavilion is organized by CAREC in cooperation with EC IFAS and IGTIPC under financial support of the World Bank, OSCE, ERG, FAO and UNDP.
Record is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlqebHKEIqw