Leading the Way in Promoting Cooperation, Sustainable Development, and Water Diplomacy through the Network of Academic Society Platform

Publication date: 24 December 2024

The Academies of Public Administration (APA) in Central Asia are among the most active participants in the Network of Academic Society (NAS). APA’s work focuses on promoting the principles of the Nexus approach, which ensures integrated management of water, energy, and food resources, and advancing water diplomacy as a key tool for sustainably addressing transboundary environmental and resource challenges.

The annual NAS meetings, organized by USAID’s Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity (WAVE) and the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC), have become a platform for strengthening professional academic networks across Central Asia. These events foster active collaboration between Central Asian universities, expanding exchange programs for students and faculty, and facilitating the sharing of best practices and knowledge. Currently, the NAS network includes 78 members from 47 organizations, providing a robust foundation for regional cooperation.

Through such meetings, universities in the region are forming lasting partnerships aimed at tackling pressing challenges in natural resource management and climate adaptation, ensuring a united and effective academic response to shared issues.

Over the past three years, Central Asian APAs made significant progress in developing and modernizing educational programs, actively integrating water diplomacy and the Nexus approach into their curricula. APAs are emphasizing the importance of comprehensive resource management. At the same time, these academies have successfully fostered partnerships with other universities in the region, implementing joint research projects, organizing international conferences, and hosting training programs. This dynamic network strengthens the region's academic community and lays a solid foundation for the sustainable development of Central Asia.


The Training of Trainers on the Nexus Game, conducted in 2022 by the European Union (EU), WAVE, and CAREC served as a catalyst for the active involvement of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the NAS platform. The Nexus Game is regularaly implemented as part of the courses “Regional Planning and Forecasting Tools”, “Food Resource Management”, and the interactive platform “Economist+.”

Photo 1. ToT on Nexus Game at the APA under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, 2022

Currently, the APA under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is conducting extensive research on water resource management. Professor Arman Nurmagambetov from the Institute of Management, a NAS member, collaborates with doctoral students on scientific publications addressing water infrastructure in Central Asia.

In addition to academic research, in June this year, the APA under the President of Kazakhstan, in collaboration with the Kazakh Agency for International Development (KazAID), hosted a three-day capacity-building seminar titled “Regional Cooperation: Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Water Diplomacy”. The seminar targeted staff from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan

Photo 2. Three-day capacity-building seminar “Regional Cooperation: Achieving SDGs and Water Diplomacy”, Astana, 2024

“Water diplomacy and the achievement of the SDGs are crucial for ensuring peace and stability in the modern world. Amid growing water scarcity and climate change, international cooperation in water resource management becomes vital for preventing conflicts, protecting ecosystems, and ensuring access to clean water for all,” emphasized Arman Nurmagambetov, who served as one of the trainers at the event.

Photo 3. Arman Nurmagambetov at the Water Diplomacy and International Water Law Training (second from the left), Almaty, 2023

Kyrgyz Republic

The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic (APAPKR) named after J. Abdrakhmanov has been actively using the Nexus Game since 2022. The game has been integrated into the curriculum of faculties such as Public and Municipal Administration, Law, Economics, and Management. One notable event promoting the Nexus approach at APAPKR was a Nexus Game session held as part of the "Climate Change and Natural Disasters in Kyrgyzstan" week for fourth-year students.

Photo 4. ToT on Nexus Game at the APAPKR, Bishkek, 2022

In 2023, APAPKR introduced a specialized course, "Water Diplomacy and the Nexus Approach," into its training catalog for civil and municipal servants, sectoral managers, and company specialists.

“This course provides insights into the political dimensions of water resources and the interconnectedness of water, energy, food, and ecosystem solutions. It also enhances practical skills for managing water-related conflicts and mediation,” noted Aina Mamytova, Head of the Scientific Research Department on Climate Change, Green Economy, and Sustainable Development and a Senior Lecturer at APAPKR.

The course was based on knowledge acquired during Nexus and water diplomacy training sessions organized by USAID’s WAVE Activity, the EU, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and CAREC.

Photo 5. Aina Mamytova at the Water Diplomacy and International Water Law Training, Almaty, 2023


The APA under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan became an active NAS member in 2022 through a Nexus Game training. Faculty members have since incorporated the Nexus Game into their curriculum for undergraduate and graduate programs, including courses such as "Peaceful Resolution of International Disputes," "International Environmental Law," and "International Law." This ensures that all of the undergraduate and graduates students get exposure to the game and the concepts. 

Photo 6. ToT on Nexus Game at the APA under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 2022

One significant example of interuniversity collaboration initiated by the APA of Tajikistan through NAS is its partnership with the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU). This collaboration, which began in 2020 with student exchanges, has grown stronger through regular interactions at NAS events. During the fall-winter semester of 2023, nine APA students attended ENU as part of an academic exchange in fields such as "International Law," "International Relations," and "Regional Studies." Interuniversity exchanges like this are one of the main goals of NAS by furthers a unified approach across Central Asia in collaborating with higher education institutions to integrate the Nexus approach into their curricula. 

Photo 7. Students of APA under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan during the Nexus Game process at the L.N. Gumilyov ENU, Astana, 2023

Additionally, APA in Tajikistan and ENU as a result of their networking through the NAS have established strong ties, enabling them to organize joint activities such as teleconferences, roundtables, conferences, and guest lectures.

“NAS membership allows us to connect with educators from universities across Central Asia. It is a unique platform that fosters not only acquaintance but also collaboration in scientific, educational, and other areas,” noted Alisher Saidmukhtorov, Director of the Research Institute on Political Processes, Diplomacy, and Globalization Problems at the APA under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Notably, APA in Tajikistan has advanced joint educational programs, including a two-year dual-degree master’s program in "International Law" in collaboration with ENU. This partnership, initiated through networking at NAS, allows graduates to receive diplomas from both Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. Discussions are also underway to establish joint programs with Kazakh National University, Kyrgyz State Technical University, and the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.

Such regional collaborations are vital for strengthening research, harmonizing training standards, and fostering a network of experts equipped to address shared challenges like water and energy management. By enhancing academic capacity and building cross-border relationships, these initiatives contribute to regional stability and sustainable development.

In June 2024, the Academy of Public Administration in Tajikistan served as the venue for a key NAS meeting held as part of the Dushanbe Water Process. This event was one of the largest NAS gatherings, bringing together approximately 70 representatives from more than 40 universities and research institutes across Central Asia.

Photo 8. NAS meeting at the APA under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 2024

Another significant initiative to foster interuniversity cooperation was the International Scientific and Practical Conference titled “Global Initiatives of the Republic of Tajikistan – A Basis for Dialogue and Finding Solutions to Issues in Water Resource Protection and Climate Agenda,” held in November 2024. The conference was organized by the APA under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. Through the APA participation in NAS, they were able to invite NAS members outside of Tajikistan to presents. Faculty from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University presented at the conference. They delivered presentations on Central Asian water diplomacy and Kazakhstan’s climate diplomacy.


The Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan actively adopted the Nexus Game. After participating in a training for trainers organized by the USAID’s WAVE Activity and CAREC in 2022, the game was incorporated into the curriculum of the course, "Water Resources."

Photo 9. ToT on Nexus Game at the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, 2022

Additionally, an electronic course titled "Water Resources" was developed jointly by the  WAVE Activity and the Academy and introduced into the Academy’s curriculum. The course includes interactive videos, practical exercises, and tests. Moreover, the course materials were published on the website of the State Committee for Water Management and the Turkmen part of the Community of Practice platform (CoPP), and are freely accessible to anyone wishing to enhance their qualifications in the water sector.

“The materials of this course are designed to provide and reinforce more comprehensive knowledge for the participants about water resources, the issues, methods, and approaches to managing and protecting water resources, as well as the legal framework for regulating water use relations, taking into account international experience,” noted Ogultach Soyunova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of "Economics and Finance," Academy of Public Administration under the President of Turkmenistan.


Through the active efforts of Central Asian APAs, supported by USAID and CAREC, NAS has become an impactful platform for regional academic collaboration. The network members have launched joint projects, conducted research, and developed educational programs that foster innovation and knowledge sharing across the region.

These efforts have facilitated meaningful contributions to international conferences and seminars, strengthening interuniversity collaboration and creatied opportunities to address pressing global environmental challenges. By empowering academic institutions and professionals, USAID and CAREC have significantly enhanced regional capacity to tackle issues such as water diplomacy, climate adaptation, and sustainable resource management, advancing collaboration and dialogue across Central Asia.

Additional information: Ludmila Kiktenko, Environmental Management Program Manager, CAREC, lkiktenko@carececo.org

#NAS #CAREC #USAID #CommunityOfPractice #NexusGame #APA #CentralAsia

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