Presentation of best practices and results of CAWECOOP project

Publication date: 20 November 2017

Presentation of best practices and results of CAWECOOP project

On November 9-10, 2017 Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) held a round table and demo-tour for water specialists and Mass Media in Fergana Valley. The round table, organized in Andijan, was devoted to presenting and discussing the results of regional project “Water Cooperation in Central Asia” (CAWECOOP), funded by the European Union. An interactive map of the “best practices” on effective use of water, land and energy resources, and environmental protection in Central Asian countries was also presented during the event.

Among the participants of the round table were representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the State Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection, Scientific-Information Center of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination of the Central Asia (SIC ICWC), Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan, specialists of the basin irrigation system authorities (BISA) of Andijan region, and journalists.


The best practices of Central Asian countries were evaluated at the national level on efficient use of water, land, energy resources and environmental protection during the implementation of the project. The result of the project is an interactive map, which allows virtually collecting all the data on best practices over the past few years and opening online access to them. The indicated practices have a detailed description, important for both researchers and farmers who are ready to introduce new water-saving and energy-efficient methods. Thanks to this aggregated database, it will be possible in the future to monitor projects carried out over the past few years in Central Asia, and to use the lessons of those practices that have proved effectiveness for further distribution and replication both within the country and at the regional level.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan recommended to consider the possibility of equipping one of the farms in Fergana region basing on the results of the best practices assessment. The journalists and other participants visited “A. Ismatov Orzusi” farm during demo-tour organized in the framework of CAWECOOP and UzWaterAware projects. The farm is considered as a successful example of the development of hilly lands of the foothill zone with groundwater level below 70 meters and with light loamy stony soil. 15 hectares, where the farmer has already introduced a system of drip irrigation, is actively used for gardens and vineyards. Other 20 hectares are prepared for agricultural activities but they are not used because the farmer does not have the financial means to provide this territory with sufficient water.


Within CAWECOOP project implemented by CAREC with the financial support of the European Union, it is planned to equip “A. Ismatov Orzusi” farm by purchasing and installing a pump and solar panels to save electricity and ensure trouble-free operation of pumps for the use of drip irrigation.

“Increasing the area of irrigated land will allow me to create new jobs. Moreover, I plan to build a 1-hectare greenhouse near a new well, to divide this land into separate plots and give them for cultivation of agricultural products to local farmers, to share expenses and profit equally with them” – said to participants of demo-tour Mr. Samandar Ismatov, the manager of “A. Ismatov Orzusi” farm of Altiarik district of Fergana region.

the Navigul greenhouse complex 

Also, participants visited two more best practices in Andijan and Namangan regions which are also included into interactive map of CAWECOOP project. In particular, they saw the Navigul greenhouse complex on fruit growing of Andijan region, where innovative technologies of drip and sprinkler irrigation are used as well as the line for seeding the sprout seeds in cassettes. In Namangan region, the participants visited “Mukhammadali Khamkor Service” enterprise on growing tomatoes using an automated drip irrigation management system and the plant for processing them into tomato paste.

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