Tajikistan strengthens its climate change approach

Publication date: 14 June 2024

13 June 2024 (Bonn, Germany) - Tajikistan today signed a memorandum of understanding with the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) to kickstart a project to support the country in its ongoing efforts to develop a national data framework for climate change.

Mr. Abdullo Qurbonzoda, Director of Tajikistan’s Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection, and Dr. Henning Wuester, Director of ICAT, signed the memorandum during a meeting at the United Nations in Bonn, Germany.

Under the project, ICAT will support Tajikistan to develop and enhance the country’s capacity for the preparation of a national inventory of greenhouse gas emissions; and to analyze the effects of national policies to control greenhouse gas emissions. This information will be used by Tajikistan to comply with its reporting requirements under the Paris Agreement. The data will also be used to update nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement and to inform policy-making or revision.

The initial project will run from 1 July to 31 December 2024.

ICAT provides countries with tailored support and practical tools and methodologies to build robust transparency frameworks needed for effective climate action, in line with national development priorities. The Initiative works with over 50 developing countries ranging from large countries, like Nigeria, to small islands, such as Antigua & Barbuda. ICAT was established in 2015 at the COP that adopted the Paris Agreement, to support implementation of the Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework. ICAT's work is made possible by its donors: Austria; Canada; Germany; Italy; the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation; and ClimateWorks Foundation.  ICAT is managed by the United Nations Office for Project Services.


The ReCATH project, an implementation of the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) шт CentraL Asian Region, aims to support countries in developing a robust and transparent framework for effective implementation of the Paris Agreement. Using transparency modeling methodologies and tools developed by ICAT, ReCATH aims to improve measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) systems critical for tracking the progress of climate action, developing effective climate policies, and mobilizing climate finance.

More information:

Dilovarsho Dustzoda, ReCATH Project Manager, recath_manager@carececo.org

Kravtsova Oksana, ReCATH Project Specialist, okravtsova@carececo.org

ICAT website: www.climateactiontransparency.org

Project page: https://carececo.org/main/activity/projects/recath

#ReCATH #ICAT #climatechange #CAREC #NDC #ParisAgreement #Greenhouseemmissions #climatefinance #SFOC #methaneemissions 

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