June 29, 2022, a working meeting of national experts of the ReCATH, a regional expert on transparency of climate action - N. Timerkhanova, the project team and directors of CAREC offices in Central Asia (CA) was held online in Almaty to discuss the analysis of stakeholders on transparency of climate action and reporting in the framework of the Paris Agreement in the Region (CA).
This document was developed by a team of experts and specialists of the ReCATH project under the leadership of the Regional Expert, Naila Timerkhanova, and is one of the key achievements of the Regional Center for Climate Action Transparency (ReCATH) project.
The analysis identifies key stakeholders, such as key actors and institutions in the Central Asian states and the region responsible for conducting and supporting climate policy transparency efforts, including government and relevant agencies, data experts, relevant research institutions, private sector associations, and MRV/ETF practitioners.
The report includes an assessment of the existing institutional and legal frameworks, technical capacity and data availability needed to support stakeholder activities, assess existing climate policies, and further develop the Regional Transparency Hub and build a sustainable network of experts.
The document will be finalized after presentation to a broad range of participants at the project's Inception Workshop.
Background information on the project:
The Regional Climate Action Transparency Hub for Central Asia (ReCATH) project is an implementation of the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) and has been implemented by CAREC since November 2021. The agreement to establish the Centre was signed in Glasgow at the twenty-sixth session of the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP26).
The Initiative supports countries in developing their capacity to establish and manage a robust and transparent framework that enables them to effectively implement the Paris Agreement. To this end, ICAT has created a toolkit with methodologies and transparency modelling tools that can be adapted to countries' needs. Activities include direct support to countries and the establishment of regional support centres and networks, such as the Climate Action Transparency Centre for Central Asian countries.
For more information, please follow the link, or contact us directly:Сыздыкова Раушан, Менеджер проекта ReCATH,
Email: recath_manager@carececo.org
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