Results of the Drought Management and Mitigation Workshop in CA
Jointly with UNCCD, on May 5, 2021, CAREC organized a workshop on "Drought Management and Mitigation in CA" to present project results and get strategic feedback, comments and recommendations from international development partners on the approaches, focus and objectives of the "Regional Drought Risk Management Strategy for Central Asia", present the DMEWS tool, and discuss current initiatives and development programs related to drought and climate change management processes
Participants representing various regional agencies UNEP, UNDP, UNDRR, FAO, GIZ, ICBA, Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management (CACILM), GWP, IWMI, UNECE, Islamic Development Bank, and representatives from academia and Drought Management Center for Southern and Eastern Europe shared their experiences and suggestions on key project elements and possible focus of strategic documents aimed at drought mitigation and prevention. The main recommendations of the meeting are summarized in the minutes of the meeting.
We are grateful to the regional partners for participating in the discussions and for sharing their valuable ideas and recommendations!
The project team, including the UNCCD Secretariat and CAREC, is open for further cooperation and dialogue!
- Meeting Minutes: here;
- Concept and Agenda: here;
- Presentations:
- Rustam Issakhojayev: Overview of the results of the Project: here;
- Rashyd Zaaboul: Drought Monitoring and Early Warning System for CA: here;
- Dr. Andreja Sušnik: Monitoring and Forecasting Center: here;
- Prof. Christopher Conrad: Monthly drought bulletin in the Aral Sea Basin Cropland area: here;
- Batyr Mamedov: REP4SD of CA: here.
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