We are excited to announce the call for applications for the upcoming OSCE and CAREC Mentoring and Career Development Programme, which will run June 2021 - May 2022.
This one-year Programme is designed to advance the professional development of women water professionals from Central Asia and Afghanistan, representing the state, academic and non-governmental sectors. Young leaders, representatives of civil society organizations (CSOs) and academics in the field of water management are invited to submit their applications to be considered as part of this career advancing Programme.
This unique Programme will bring together up to 30 women water professionals from the region , providing them with opportunities for professional growth, including capacity building activities, skills development workshops as well as participation in working groups with international experts to support them through their career. The Programme will focus on:
• Supporting exchange of experiences and best practices
• Facilitating mentorship and peer learning within the region
• Identifying needs and providing customized training
• Connecting women from the region to other women networks
The overarching goal of the Programme is to empower women water professionals and provide them with the required skills to uptake senior management positions in the water sector in Central Asia and Afghanistan.
How to apply:
The interested applicants should send the following documents by email to treznikova@carececo.org and shsarikenova@carececo.org by June 20, 2021:
1. CV (with a list of references).
2. Short motivation letter(up to 200 words) expanding on “How this Mentoring and Career Development Programme could advance your professional career and what would be your personal contribution to this Programme?”.
All documents should be submitted preferably in English but Russian can also be accepted.
Selections results: to identify potential participants, the selection committee will carefully consider all received applications. All succesfull candidates will be notified by CAREC
Additional information:
Language of the Programme: English and Russian
Format: monthly online meetings. The meeting room with access to the internet will be provided in each capital of the Central Asian countries and Afghanistan for each of the six main planned sessions. Availability of up to 6 hours per month is required throughout the Programme.