The 2nd summer school was organized on June 10-22, 2019 at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers (TIIAME) for the students of Kazakh-German University (DKU) on “Basics of water management: integration of theory, practice and scientific research”. The course is organized within the joint CAREC-USAID “Smart Waters” project with the support of the Ministry of Water Resources of Uzbekistan.
7 students of the DKU Master programme on Integrated water resources management, representing Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan, and 7 Master students of TIIAME took part in the summer school.
The course aimed to enhance skills and overall knowledge of students which could further be practically applied across Central Asia region and beyond; to create dialogue platform for the students of DKU and TIIAME, and to use scientific and technical capacities of the Tashkent institute.
“Ensuring water availability for future generations does require a holistic approach, considering both land and water as a single ecosystem. It is critical that we look across borders and work together to solve complex issues that arise when countries share limited natural resources. Planners, policy makers, local communities, businesses, and individuals – all have to make a contribution, and only together we can make a difference,” said in his welcoming speech Mr. Gary Robbins, USAID Country Director in Uzbekistan.
During 102 academic hours, the students received in-depth theoretical, practical, laboratory, and self-study training. Also, the students paid visits to the irrigation and melioration infrastructures in Surkhandarya region of Uzbekistan.
“In TIIAME, we are very interested in further strengthening of cooperation with both local and leading international universities which totally fit the purpose of our summer school. Cooperation between scientists and specialists trigger the cooperation with younger generation, students, and young specialists regardless of where they live, study or work,” noted TIIAME Deputy Rector on international cooperation and lecturer Mr. Abdulkhakim Salokhiddinov.
During the two-week course, the students familiarized with such modules as water management at basin level, flow characteristics at irrigation canals, operational reliability and safety of hydro-technical infrastructures, operation of pump stations and water saving technologies for irrigation, etc.
During the study tour to Surkhandarya region of Uzbekistan, the students together with the journalists, within two CAREC projects “Smart Waters” (USAID) and UzWaterAware (European Union), visited different water objects such as pu
mp station “Amuzon-1”, “Oktepa” complex, Tupolang water reservoir, hydropower plant, Yujno-Surkhanskoe water reservoir. The participants had an excellent opportunity to meet fellow colleagues, to learn about the process and work specifics of the objects.
By the end of the course, all participants received the certificates on completion of international internship. They also shared their impressions about the summer school:
Aryan Anwar Hussain (Afghanistan): “For me as a person with non-technical background and student of integrated water resources management programme, it was very useful to get to know about the technical aspects of water management including types of existing infrastructure. This summer school helped me to see and learn it all. Especially, I liked our trip to Termez and the information I learnt about the reservoirs and water pump stations, which I have never seen before in real life”.
Diana Aripkhanova (Kazakhstan): “This summer programme covers both technical and social aspects of water resources. We received good practical and theoretical knowledge which is necessary for a deeper understanding of the sector. I would like to thank TIIAME, all professors, students for their support and organizing a very interesting course. Summer schools are necessary for IWRM as through cultural engagement and practical experience one can gain the whole picture of the water field of a country.”
Alijon Kurbonov (Tajikistan): “This summer school allowed me to see the real hydraulic infrastructures. The laboratories in TIIAME boost our knowledge as they give good possibilities for students, graduates, and postgraduates to conduct practical research. I would like to thank the organizers for the warm welcome and hospitality, as well as the opportunity to gain extra knowledge and information for my Master’s thesis.”
Arif Mamedov (Turkmenistan): “It was a very good experience and new knowledge for me - especially, our tour to Surkhandarya region. It is priceless to be able to understand the structure of various hydraulic objects that work as a single coordinated mechanism. My big thanks to the organizers of this summer course!”
“Smart Waters” project, funded by USAID in Central Asian countries and Afghanistan, is being implemented by CAREC since 2015. The project aims to support the establishment of professional network, to provide strategic advice on sustainable water resources management, and to develop regional dialogue on water resources and capacity building. The first summer school was held in Tashkent on June 4-20, 2018. The programme and educational materials are prepared by TIIAME faculty.