November 10 - Sharm el-Sheikh - Egypt - side event “Young leaders of Central Asia on the way to carbon neutrality - implementation of the decisions of the UNFCCC COP-26” was held during the UNFCCC COP-27.
The side event brought together representatives of youth from the Central Asian region, civil society, youth networks, international organizations, decision makers and graduates of the Central Asian Leadership Program (CALP).
In his speech, Sulton Rakhimzoda, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS), noted that water crisis awaits the Central Asian region in the near future. By 2040, there will be less than 1,000 cubic meters of water per person. He emphasized that by that time the whole initiative in solving climate change issues will be concentrated in the hands of young people. In his opinion, all adaptation and mitigation measures should be consolidated.
Executive Director of the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC) Zafar Makhmudov noted that CAREC is proud of the participants of the Central Asian Leadership Program (CALP), who reach career heights and today hold leading positions in ministries, NGOs and parliaments of Central Asian countries.
Member of the CALP Alumni Network (Uzbekistan) Shakhzoda Alikhanova, in her presentation “The Role of Young Leaders in Strengthening Regional Cooperation”, emphasized that CALP, the flagship program of CAREC on environmental education and cross-border cooperation of youth, is an excellent platform for increasing the potential and professional growth of young professionals, and urged the decision makers, partners and donors to ensure this program continuation, support and development.
According to her, today young people under 30 make up to 50% of the population in Central Asia. “The younger generation needs better environmental education and access to resources and dialogue platforms to be able to voice their opinions and help shape the regional carbon neutrality agenda,” Shahzoda Alikhanova said.
The representative of the CAY4W network, the network of the First RCOY-CA Working Group in Central Asia, Cholpon Aitakhunova, noted that the youth of Central Asia had reached the regional level both within the framework of the CALP alumni network, CAY4W, and the UNFCCC global YOUNGO youth network.
In turn, the representative of the CAY4W network, the RCOY-CA network, Zhania Khaibullina, presented information on the activities of the youth regional network on water resources in Central Asia - CAY4W and the interrelationship of climate and water issues in the regional context.
During the side event, youth representatives of Central Asia, member of the CALP Alumni Network, announced a joint “Regional statement of the youth of Central Asia on climate change to the participants of the 27th Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change (COP-27)”.
Common Regional Statement of CA Youth showed that various youth networks and groups were ready to cooperate, work together and develop common messages and solutions! The participants of the side event were convinced of the strength of the voice of the Central Asian youth, how united it is, and how important it is today to help increase the capacity of young leaders!
Download the full text of the Statement
Side event organizers: Central Asian countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan; CAREC, EC IFAS, youth groups and networks, UN/multilateral agencies.
Background: The Central Asian Youth Regional Statement to the 27th Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change (COP27) was prepared on behalf of the 2010-2021 CALP Alumni Network in conjunction with the Central Asia First Regional Youth Climate Conference (RCOY CA) Working Group, CAY4W youth network and other youth networks, in cooperation with government agencies of the Central Asian countries.
The preliminary text of the regional statement was discussed during the regional meetings of the CALP Steering Committee, the working group of the CALP network and in the course of national consultations in CA countries.
Additional information - Tatyana Shakirova, Program Manager “Education for Sustainable Development” CAREC, tshakirova@carececo.org