Feasibility study of an effective system of financial self-sufficiency in protected areas (PAs)

Kyrgyz Republic
Funding sources
42 771 USD
November 2023 – July 2024
Thematic area
Convention on Biological Diversity, Financing of biodiversity conservation and Protected areas
General information

Through the BIOFIN analysis, it was revealed that there is a financial gap of more than KGS 2 billion over the next 5 years for biodiversity conservation. Furthermore, the assessment done by BIOFIN indicates that funding for biodiversity from the country's budget will not increase in the coming years. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a reliable and credible mechanism to mobilize additional financial resources beyond the national budget.


•        Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision

•        Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Areas

•        National parks and nature reserves

•        Travel companies

•        Scientific organizations

•        Local residents

The objective of the assignment is to develop innovative and sustainable income generating mechanisms for protected areas in Kyrgyzstan and to prepare the groundwork for their implementation in Protected areas

•        Analysis of documents, finances and study of the experience of other countries

·       To conduct a cost-benefit analysis for the identified mechanisms and options for ensuring the income of protected areas

·       Development of detailed analytical notes and action plans for the implementation of at least 6 mechanisms for financing protected areas

·       Assistance of the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Areas in the implementation of the action plan for the implementation of selected financing mechanisms

Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Areas under the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision, pilot nature parks and Reserves
Director of the Branch of CAREC in Kyrgyzstan - Kuban Matraimov