Strengthening national-level institutional and professional capacities of country Parties towards enhanced UNCCD monitoring and reporting - Tajikistan

Funding sources
United Nations Environment Programme
91,324.00 USD
Thematic area
Water and environmental development
General information

The development of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Tajikistan is crucial because it is a normative-legal document regulating various aspects of environmental protection and the responsible use of natural resources. The code should contain a general section containing key institutions and fundamental ecological regulations, such as environmental accounting, monitoring, expertise, certification, standardization, auditing, and management.

Recognizing the paramount significance of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety, particularly in activities impacting the environment and natural resource utilization, it is imperative to embed these principles in the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Normative Legal Acts" and emphasize the strengthening of environmental protection in the general section of the Environmental Code.

Furthermore, taking into account social, economic, and legal factors, it is essential to develop and adopt the Environmental Code of Tajikistan in order to address the current ecological and economic challenges. These challenges include the ecological crisis resulting in disregard for public environmental safety requirements, economic crisis and food scarcity, and the transition to a market economy.

Overall objective / Specific objectives:

The main objective of the Development of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Tajikistan was to establish a legal framework for protecting and preserving the natural environment, ensuring sustainable development, and promoting public awareness and participation in environmental issues.

Target groups: Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, local authorities, general public, and media.


1.     Prepare an inception report outlining the project objectives, activities, and timeline.


2.     Development of the Concept and the Structure of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Tajikistan

  • Conduct initial discussions with the project team and stakeholders to gather information and clarify requirements.
  • Form a working group of experts to develop a draft Environmental Code.

§ Conduct research and analysis to develop the concept and structure of the Environmental Code.

  • Organize an introductory workshop to present the vision and identify key stakeholders.

3.     Analysis of legislation in the field of environmental protection:

§ Review and analyze relevant legislative documents.

  • Analyze the existing legislation in the field of environmental protection in Tajikistan.
  • Review and analyze the relevant laws and regulations listed in the background information.
  • Identify gaps, inconsistencies, and areas for improvement in the current legislation.

4.     Institutional Analysis:

§ Analyze the structure of the Committee for Environmental Protection and identify responsible bodies for implementing environmental protection policy.

  • Assess the impact of existing legislation on state agencies and authorities.
  • Share the analysis with ministries, development partners, and public organizations for feedback.

5.     Analysis of international experience:

§ Analyze international best practices for the development of an Environmental Code.

  • Exchange experiences/visit with experts from other countries.
  • Prepare recommendations based on international experiences to enhance the concept and structure of the Environmental Code.

6.     Monitoring and evaluation

§ Develop a monitoring and evaluation system to track the project implementation of development of the Environmental Code.

  • Share the analysis, recommendations, and monitoring framework with ministries, development partners, and public organizations.

7.     Development of recommendations on further actions

§ Prepare step-by-step recommendations for the implementation of the Environmental Code.

  • Identify priority actions and key stakeholders for effective implementation.
  • Present the recommendations to relevant stakeholders for feedback and endorsement.

8.     Submission of the final version of the draft Ecological Code of the Republic of Tajikistan

§ Conduct internal procedures and coordination with ministries and authorities.

  • Submit the final draft of the Environmental Code to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for approval.
  • Publish and replicate the Environmental Code for distribution among all interested parties.

9.     Training for the approved Environmental Code of the Republic of Tajikistan:

§ Conduct training and workshops to raise awareness and build capacity for the implementation of the Environmental Code.

Project Manager: Zebuniso Muminzoda, Director of the CAREC Country Office in the Republic of Tajikistan,