High Level Dialogue Platform Secretariat Blue Peace Central Asia


Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Funding sources
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
$ 794 167
April 2018 – September 2023
Thematic area
Water Diplomacy
General information

The global water crisis has been identified as one of the top global risks for the last 3 years. And as projections are dire and water supply is likely to become an even greater source of tension and instability in the future, Switzerland is committed to promoting transboundary water cooperation and strengthening hydro-diplomacy for sustainable peace. Accordingly, Switzerland has developed a Blue Peace approach to promote water cooperation with a view to preventing conflict and finding common solutions on water for the benefit of all.

Switzerland strongly believes that more political engagement should be invested in establishing water as an avenue for peace, setting it into the security agenda. This is why Switzerland has established a High-Level Panel on Water and Peace in Geneva in 2015, together with 14 co-convening countries. The Panel published in September 2017 its final report, which gives us an invaluable basis from which to move forward concretely and effectively to transform water into a source of cooperation and peace. The report contains 7 major recommendations for the future of hydro-diplomacy.

In parallel, Switzerland has engaged in regional Blue Peace initiatives for several years, in both Central Asia and the Middle East. They combine a political dialogue with hands-on technical expertise and practice.

The Blue Peace Central Asia BPCA initiative is built on a top-down as well as medium-up approach focusing on a political process (political track: high level dialogue), technical issues (programmatic track: smart water practices) and learning matters (educational track: new generation agents of change). The following elements make up the basic strategic framework: In Central Asia, through its longstanding development cooperation, Switzerland has been actively supporting the strengthening of national frameworks for water management and the enhancing of regional water cooperation. In June 2017, on the occasion of the Blue Peace Central Asia Dialogue for 2030 - Water Security and Inclusive Growth, during the Astana Expo 2017, all Central Asian countries agreed on the establishment of a “High Level Dialogue Platform HLDP of Central Asian Countries on Integrated Water Resource Management”, with support from Switzerland. Initial proposals for the Platform’s working structures and for its work program have been approved.

  • Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Water and Agriculture

  • Regional water organizations

  • Research institutions

  • Youth


The purpose of this mandate is to provide the necessary supportive structure in form of a Secretariat to the High-Level Dialogue Platform (HLDP Secretariat) for a successful establishment and management of the political track of the BPCA initiative, with the overall objective of supporting the High-Level Dialogue Platform to strengthen the effective regional water diplomacy in Central Asia and contribute to empowering the next generation.

Tasks of HLDP Secretariat:

  • Support and facilitation of activities of the High-Level Dialogue Platform

  • Support to the Regional Water Advisor and Special Envoy for Water

  • Interlink with the Young Water Champions Network (OC 3 BPCA)

  • Support for outreach and communication issues

  • Support monitoring and evaluation (M&E) efforts, including context analysis and progress reports

Website: https://bluepeace-centralasia.ch/

Publications and Studies PDF pdf-icon
Water Footprint Analysis of Central Asia PDF pdf-icon
Blue Peace Index PDF pdf-icon

A) Support and facilitation of activities of the High-Level Dialogue Platform

  • organization of meetings of the ministerial HLDP or its sub-bodies and working groups incl. logistics (preparation and planning, coordination with ministries and institutions, keeping minutes of the meetings, prepare summary notes/action items list and follow up)

  • organization of and logistical support to study tours (travel arrangements, visa issues, coordination of work in cooperation with respective ministries and institutions; prepare summary notes/action item list and follow up)

  • contact point for the members of the HLDP and its sub-bodies and working groups

  • collection of information from ministries on a regular basis, to monitor the implementation of the annual work plan and the progress on transboundary cooperation.

B) Support to the Regional Water Advisor and Special Envoy for Water

  • assist the SPE and RWA in their support to the country members of the HLDP (particularly Ministry-level and Young thematic focal point) to reach the goals of the HLDP on a demand-driven and pro-active basis

  • support the RWA and SPE in consulting / interacting with other relevant stakeholders at the regional level through various activities including coordination meetings (incl. DKU / CAREC / UNESCO / OSCE / WB / UNRCCA / UNECE / UNEP / UNDP / bilateral donors and IFIs / etc.)

  • provide linkages to other relevant activities, networks, institutions and stakeholders working on IWRM in the countries of CA or the region of CA (through pro-active networking and information sharing)

  • work on knowledge management with: provision / identification / induction of relevant background papers, and participation and scouting for working groups, regional meetings, consultations with experts with a link to IWRM / water dialogue in the region and worldwide – to identify leverages for networking and policy dialogue.

  • support contribution and insights (communication and knowledge products) on HLDP prioritized issues

  • prepare contributions (e.g. reports) on prioritized issues, together with other contracted implementer, upon request and as needed

C) Support to the Regional Water Advisor and Special Envoy for Water

  • closely cooperate and interlink with the youth and their initiatives, including the Young water champions network and other relevant youth networks in Central Asia, to offer opportunities to bring the youth closer to the decision-making levels

  • support with thematic and technical knowledge input for the educational track & workshops (in coordination with other contracted implementers) 

D) Interlink with the Young Water Champions Network (OC 3 BPCA) 

  • develop a communication / outreach plan that further defines how the HLDP activities will be communicated internally and externally

  • assist the SPE and RWA in the development and implementation of communication activities and campaigns (media, public, governments)

  • ensure the visibility of Switzerland as the initiator of and driver behind the BPCA initiative in all communication/outreach related to the HLDP platform and its activities.

  • prepare printed and electronic materials for publication and dissemination 

E) Support for outreach and communication issues 

  • prepare yearly baseline to be completed, based on the BPCA logframe (2018)

  • prepare yearly outcome mapping and monitoring

  • lead an impact survey (2020)

  • provide contribution to, analysis and provision of necessary oral and written advice on regional issues related to IWRM and regional transboundary water management and cooperation

  • provide analytical support (e.g. context analysis)

Contact person – Tais Reznikova   

E-mail:  treznikova@carececo.org

Tel.: +7 727 265 43 33 (ext. 195)