“Enhancing economic independence and improving the situation of women in Central Asia through access to irrigation water and infrastructure” project seeks to address the issues of economic dependence and gender inequality in Central Asia by providing women with access to irrigation water and infrastructure. The project aims to promote economic independence by improving the agricultural productivity and value chain management of women in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, who comprise a significant portion of the workforce in the agricultural sector of the Central Asian Region. The project aims to increase agricultural production, improve food security, and enhance economic opportunities for women in rural areas by providing access to irrigation water and infrastructure. Moreover, the project recognizes the significant role of women in the agricultural sector. Therefore, it seeks to address the gender inequalities and barriers that limit their participation and contribution to the sector. By providing women-led farm associations and traders access to resources and infrastructure, the project aims to empower them to take on more significant roles in the agro-industrial sector, promote gender equality, and ultimately enhance the well-being of youth, women, and their families.
The project objective is to create sustainable change in women's lives in Central Asia by providing them access to essential resources and infrastructure to enhance their economic independence, improve their agricultural productivity, and promote gender equality.
Component 1. Increased agricultural productivity through piloting new water-saving technologies.
Component 2. Increased economic opportunities for women through efficient value chain approaches.
Component 3. Strengthen the institutional capacity of agricultural water supply authorities and water user’s associations.